Krayot Ivory Branch

Desktop computers, laptop computers, self-assembled computers, tablets, cellular phones, smartphones, peripheral equipment, computer monitors, televisions, computer hardware, software, hard discs, printers, consoles and games, earphones, speakers, cameras, cables, routers, streamers, electric appliances, iPhone, Galaxy, and thousands of other products…

How To Arrive:
When arriving from the north (Akko, Nahariya, Krayot) on the highway (Check Post-Akko), turn right to Hutzot HaMifratz and drive straight. After the gas station, turn left in the second roundabout. Keep straight all the way to the end of the street. The computer store will be to your left, under "HaNesicha" wedding hall. Ehn arriving from Haifa (Nesher, Yokneam, Tiv'on), turn left from Check Post-Krayot road in Hutzot haMifratz junction and enter Hutzot HaMifratz. Keep straight and turn right at the end of the street. The computer store will be just to your right, first building in the street, under "HaNesicha" wedding hall.


מפת הגעה לסניף